Publications of A. Terry Bahill
- Bahill, A. T., Bahill, K. A., Clark, M., and Stark, L.,
Closely spaced saccades,
Investigative Ophthalmology,,
14, 317-321, 1975.
- Bahill, A. T., Clark, M., and Stark, L.,
The Main Sequence, a tool for studying human eye movements,
Mathematical Biosciences,
24, 191-204, 1975.
- Bahill, A. T., Adler, D., and Stark, L.,
Most naturally occurring human saccades have
magnitudes of 15 degrees or less,
Investigative Ophthalmology,
14, 468-469, 1975.
- Bahill, A. T., and Stark, L.,
Overlapping saccades and glissades are produced by
fatigue in the saccadic eye movement System,
Experimental Neurology,
48, 95-106, 1975.
- Bahill, A. T., Clark, M., and Stark, L.,
Dynamic overshoot in saccadic eye movements is caused by
neurological control signal reversals,
Experimental Neurology,
48, 107-122, 1975.
- Bahill, A. T., Clark, M., and Stark, L.,
Glissades--eye movements generated by mismatched components of
the motoneuronal control signal,
Mathematical Biosciences,
26, 303-318, 1975.
- Bahill, A. T., and Stark, L.,
The high-frequency burst of motoneuronal activity lasts
about half the duration of saccadic eye movements,
Mathematical Biosciences,
26, 319-323, 1975.
- Bahill, A. T., Clark, M., and Stark, L.,
Computer simulation of overshoot in saccadic eye movements,
Computer Programs in Biomedicine,
4, 230-236, 1975.
- Bahill, A. T., and Stark, L.,
Neurological control of horizontal and vertical components of
oblique saccadic eye movements,
Mathematical Biosciences,
27, 287-298, 1975.
- Ciuffreda, K. J., Bahill, A. T., Kenyon, R. V., and Stark, L.,
Eye movements during reading: case reports,
American Journal of Optometry and Physiological Optics,
53, 389-395, 1976.
- Hsu, F. K., Bahill, A. T., and Stark, L.,
Parametric sensitivity analysis of a homeomorphic model for
saccadic and vergence eye movements,
Computer Programs in Biomedicine,
6, 108-116, 1976.
- Bahill, A. T., Ciuffreda, K. J., Kenyon, R. V., and Stark, L.,
Dynamic and static violations of Hering's Law of equal innervation,
American Journal of Optometry and Physiological Optics,
53, 786-796, 1976.
- Stark, L., Bahill, A. T., Ciuffreda, K. J., Kenyon, R. V., and Phillips, S.,
Neuro-optometry: an evolving specialty clinic,
American Journal of Optometry and Physiological Optics,
54, 85-96, 1977.
- Bahill, A. T., and Stark, L.,
Oblique Saccadic Eye Movements:
Independence of horizontal and vertical channels,
Archives of Ophthalmology,
95, 1258-1261, 1977.
- Bahill, A. T., Hsu, F. K., and Stark, L.,
Glissadic overshoots are due to pulse width errors,
Archives of Neurology,
35, 138-142, 1978.
- Bahill, A. T., and Stark L.,
The trajectories of saccadic eye movements,
Scientific American,
240, 108-117, January 1979, invited paper.
- Bahill, A. T., and Troost, B. T.,
Types of saccadic eye movements,
29, 1150-1152, 1979.
- Bahill, A. T., Iandolo, M. J., and Troost B. T.,
Smooth pursuit eye movements in response to unpredictable target waveforms,
Vision Research,
20, 923-931, 1980.
- Bahill, A. T., Latimer, J., and Troost, B. T.,
Linear homeomorphic model for human movement,
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,
BME-27, 631-639, 1980.
- Bahill, A. T., Latimer, J., and Troost, B. T.,
Sensitivity analysis of linear homeomorphic model for human movement,
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,
SMC-10, 924-929, 1980.
- Bahill, A. T.,
Development, validation and sensitivity analyses of human eye movement models,
CRC Critical Reviews in Bioengineering,
4, 311-355, 1980, (invited paper).
- Bahill, A. T.,
Bioengineering: Biomedical, Medical, and Clinical Engineering,
Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1981.
- Bahill, A. T., and McDonald, J. D.,
Adaptive control model for saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements, in
Progress in Oculomotor Research,
(Eds.) A. F. Fuchs and W. Becker,
Elsevier/North Holland, New York, pp. 551-558, 1981.
- Bahill, A. T., Brockenbrough, A. E., and Troost, B. T.,
Variability and development of a normative data base for saccadic eye movements,
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science,
21, 116-125, 1981.
- Bahill A. T., Kallman J. S., and Lieberman J. E.,
Frequency limitations of the two-point central difference
differentiation algorithm,
Biological Cybernetics,
45, 1-4, 1982.
- Bahill A. T., and McDonald J. D.,
Frequency limitations and optimal step-size for the
two-point central difference derivative algorithm
with applications to human eye movement data,
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,
BME-30, 191-194, 1983.
- McDonald J. D., Bahill A. T., and Friedman M. B.,
An adaptive control model for human head and eye movements while walking,
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,
SMC-13, 167-174, 1983.
- Bahill A. T.,
A simple adaptive Smith-predictor for controlling time-delay systems,
IEEE Control Systems Magazine,
16-22, May 1983.
- Bahill A. T., and McDonald J. D.,
Smooth pursuit eye movements in response to predictable target motions,
Vision Research,
23, 1573-1583, 1983.
- McDonald J. D., and Bahill A. T.,
Zero-latency tracking of predictable targets by time-delay systems,
International Journal of Control,
38, 881-893, 1983.
- Bahill A. T., and McDonald J. D.,
Model emulates human smooth pursuit system producing zero-latency target tracking,
Biological Cybernetics,
48, 213-222, 1983.
- Bahill A. T., and Kallman J. S.,
Predicting final eye position halfway through a saccade,
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,
BME-30, 781-786, 1983.
- Bahill A. T., and LaRitz T.,
Why can't batters keep their eyes on the ball,
American Scientist,
72, 249-253, May-June 1984, invited paper (cover article).
- Bahill A. T.,
Write for the reading system; Talk to the listening system,
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communications,
PC-28, 44-45, 1985.
- McHugh, D. E. and Bahill, A. T.,
Learning to track predictable target waveforms without a time delay,
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science,
26, 932-937, 1985.
- Harvey D., and Bahill, A. T.,
Development and sensitivity analysis of adaptive predictor for human eye movement model, ,
Transactions of The Society for Computer Simulation,
2, 275-292, 1985.
- Bahill, A. T., and Harvey D.,
Open-loop experiments for modeling the human eye movement system,
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,
SMC-16, 240-250, 1986.
- Bahill, A. T., and Ferrell, W.,
An introductory course in expert systems,
IEEE Expert,
1(4), 59-63, Winter 1986.
This paper was translated into Chinese and republished in Microcomputer Application Technology,
17(1), 38-43, 1988.
It was also republished in
Expert Systems, A Software Methodology for Modern Applications,
(Ed.) P. G. Raeth,
IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1990, pp. 454-458.
- Bahill, A. T., and Harris, P.,
Cogito, an expert system to give installation advice for UNIX 4.2BSD,
11(5), 4-8, 1986.
- Bahill, A. T., Harris, P., and Senn, E.,
Lessons learned building expert systems,
AI Expert,
3(9), 36-45, 1988.
- Bahill, A. T., and Hamm, T. M.,
Using open-loop experiments to study physiological systems
with examples from the human eye movement systems,
News in Physiological Sciences,
4, 104-109, 1989.
- Kottai, R. M., and Bahill, A. T.,
Expert systems made with neural networks,
The International Journal of Neural Networks,
1: 211-226, 1989.
- Bahill, A. T., and Karnavas, W. J.,
Determining ideal baseball bat weights
using muscle force-velocity relationships,
Biological Cybernetics,
62: 89-97, 1989.
- Kang, Y., and Bahill, A. T.,
A tool for detecting expert systems errors,
AI Expert,
5(2):46-51, 1990.
This paper was republished in
Validating and Verifying Knowledge-Based Systems,
(Ed.) U. G. Gupta,
IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, pp. 170-175, 1991.
- Watts, R. G., and Bahill, A. T.,
Keep Your Eye on the Ball: The Science and Folklore of Baseball,
W. H. Freeman and Co., New York, 1990.
- Jafar, M., and Bahill, A. T.,
Validator, a tool for verifying and validating personal computer-based expert systems, in
Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence:
The Integration of Problem-Solving Strategies,
(Eds.) D. E. Brown and C. C. White, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston,
pp. 373-385, 1990.
- Szidarovszky, F., Bahill, A. T., and Molnar, S.,
On stable adaptive control systems,
Ser. B, 1:115-121, 1990.
- Jafar, M., Bahill, A. T., and Osborn, D. E.,
A knowledge-based system for residential HVAC applications,
ASHRAE Journal,
33(1):20-26, 1991.
- Bahill, A. T.,
Verifying and Validating Personal Computer-Based Expert Systems,
Prentice-Hall Inc.,
Englewood Cliffs New Jersey, 1991.
- Bahill, A. T., and Karnavas, W. J.,
The ideal baseball bat,
New Scientist,
6 April 1991.
- Szidarovszky, F., Wu, C. Y., and Bahill, A. T.,
A general technique for finite memories data manipulation
and smooth predictions,
Ser. B, 2:53-69, 1991.
- Wu, C. Y., Szidarovszky, F., and Bahill, A. T.,
A technique for validating recursive filters,
Ser. B, 2:71-80, 1991.
- Wu, C. Y., and Bahill, A. T.,
Preprocessing methods in the computation of the fast fourier transform,
Computers and Industrial Engineering, 21(1):653-657, 1991.
- Herod, J. M., and Bahill A. T.,
Ameliorating the Pregnant Man problem:
a verification tool for personal computer based expert systems,
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies,
35:789-805, 1991.
Szidarovszky, F. and Bahill, A. T.,
Linear Systems Theory,
CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, Second Edition, 1998.
- Chapman, W. L., Bahill, A. T., and
Wymore, A. W.,
Engineering Modeling and Design,
CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, FL, 1992.
Here is chapter 5 of this book.
- Bahill, A. T. and Karnavas, W. J.,
The perceptual illusion of baseball's rising fastball and breaking curve ball,
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance,
19(1):3-14, 1993.
This paper was described in
Science News,
February 20, 1993, p. 116.
- Jafar, M. and Bahill, A. T.,
Interactive verification of knowledge-based systems,
IEEE Expert,
8(1):25-32, 1993.
- Karnavas, W. J., Sanchez, P., and Bahill, A. T.,
Sensitivity analyses of continuous and discrete systems in the time and frequency domains,
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,
SMC-23, No. 2, 488-501, 1993.
- Chapman, W. L., and Bahill, A. T.,
A hypertext software system to help with system design,
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,
SMC-23, No. 2, 584-589, 1993.
- Szidarovszky, F., and Bahill, A. T.,
Stability analysis, in
The Electrical Engineering Handbook,
(Ed.) R. C. Dorf,
CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, FL, 207-223, 1993.
- Bahill, A. T., and Karnavas, W. J.
Reducing state space search time,
AI Expert,
8(9), 28-35, 1993.
- Bahill, A. T., and Chapman, W. L.,
A tutorial on quality function deployment,
Engineering Management Journal,
5(3), 24-35, 1993.
- Bahill, A. T. and Chapman, W. L.,
Understanding systems engineering through case studies,
Systems Engineering, The Journal of the National Council on Systems Engineering,
1, 145-154, 1994.
- Bahill, A. T. and Morna Freitas, M.,
Two methods for recommending bat weights,
Annals of Biomedical Engineering,
23/4, 436-444, 1995.
- Bahill, A. T., Bharathan, K. and Curlee, R. F.,
How the testing techniques for a decision support system
changed over nine years,
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,
25, 1533-1542, 1995.
- Chapman, W. L. and Bahill, A. T.,
Design, modeling, and prototyping, in
The Engineering Handbook,
(Ed.) R. C. Dorf,
CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, FL, pp. 1732-1737, 1996.
- Bahill, A. T., Bentz, B. and Dean, F. F.,
Discovering System Requirements, ,
SAND96-1620 UC-706, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, July 1996.
- Moody, J. A., Chapman, W. L., Van Voorhees, F. D. and Bahill, A. T.,
Metrics and Case Studies for Evaluating Engineering Designs,
Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1997.
This book is out of print, but I own the copyright.
I can give you permission to make copies of this book.
Bahill, A. T., Alford, M., Bharathan, K., Clymer, J. Dean, D. L., Duke, J.,
Hill, G., LaBudde, E., Taipale, E. and Wymore, A. W.,
The design methods comparison project,
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,
Part C: Applications and Reviews,
28(1), 80-103, 1998.
This publication with additional commentary and examples is available at
Bahill, A. T. and Gissing, B.,
Re-evaluating systems engineering concepts using systems thinking,
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,
Part C: Applications and Reviews,
28(4), 516-527, 1998.
- Bahill, A. T. and Dean, F.,
Discovering system requirements, Chapter 4 in
Handbook of Systems Engineering and Management,
A. P. Sage and W. B. Rouse (Eds),
John Wiley & Sons, 175-220, 1999.
- Bahill, A. T.,
Physiological models, development,
in Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
J. Webster (Ed.),
John Wiley & Sons, Vol. 16, 427-446, 1999 and 2007.
Ghiya, K. K., Bahill, A. T., and Chapman, W. L.,
QFD: validating robustness,
Quality Engineering,
11(4), 593-611, 1999.
Bahill, A. T.,
Modeling the smooth-pursuit eye-movement system,
19:1-37, 2000.
Watts, R. G., and Bahill, A. T.,
Keep Your Eye on the Ball: Curve Balls, Knuckleballs, and Fallacies of Baseball,
W. H. Freeman and Co., New York, second edition 2000.
Wymore, A. W. and Bahill, A. T.,
When can we safely reuse systems, upgrade systems, or use COTS components?
Systems Engineering,
3(2), 82-95, 2000.
Bahill, A. T. and Karnavas, W. J,
Risk analysis of a pinewood derby: a case study,
Systems Engineering,
3(3), 143-155, 2000.
Bahill, A. T. and Briggs, C,
The systems engineering started in the middle process:
a consensus of system engineers and project managers,
Systems Engineering,
4(2), 156-167, 2001.
Daniels, J., Werner, P. W., and Bahill, A. T.,
Quantitative methods for tradeoff analyses,
Systems Engineering,
4(3), 190-212, 2001, with a
published in 8(1):93, 2005.
Chapman, W. L., Rozenblit, J. and Bahill, A. T.,
Systems design is an NP-complete problem,
Systems Engineering,
4(3), 222-229, 2001.
Bahill, A. T. and Daniels, J.,
Using object-oriented and UML tools for hardware design: a case study,
Systems Engineering,
6(1):28-48, 2003.
Published online 24 December 2002.
Gonzalez, M., Quesada, G. and Bahill A. T.,
Improving product design using quality function deployment:
the school furniture case in developing countries,
Quality Engineering,
16(1):45-56, 2003.
Abadi, C. D. and Bahill, A. T.,
The difficulty in distinguishing product from process,
Systems Engineering,
6 (2):108-115, 2003.
Bahill, A. T. and D. G. Baldwin,
The vertical illusions of batters,
The Baseball Research Journal,
32:26-30, 2003.
Baldwin, D. G. and Bahill, A. T.,
A model of the bat's vertical sweetness gradient,
The Engineering of Sport 5, vol. 2,
(Eds.) M. Hubbard, R. D. Mehta and J. M. Pallis,
Proceedings of the 5th International Engineering of Sport Conference,
September 13-16, 2004, Davis, CA,
International Sports Engineering Association (ISEA),
Sheffield, England, pp. 305-311, (refereed).
This is not a journal paper, but this is its highest level of publication.
Bahill, A. T. and D. G. Baldwin,
The rising fastball and other perceptual illusions of batters,
Biomedical Engineering Principles in Sports,
George Hung and Jani Pallis (Eds), Kluwer Academic, pp. 257-287, 2004.
Bahill, A. T.,
The ideal moment of inertia for a baseball or softball bat,
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,
Part A: Systems and Humans,
34(2):197-204, 2004.
Daniels, J. and Bahill, A. T.,
The hybrid process combines traditional requirements and use cases,
Systems Engineering,
7(4):303-319, 2004.
Bahill, A. T. and Henderson, S. J.,
Requirements development, verification and validation exhibited in famous failures,
Systems Engineering,
8(1):1-14, 2005.
Bahill, A. T., D. G. Baldwin, and Venkateswaran, J.,
Predicting a baseball's path,
American Scientist,
93(3):218-225, May-June 2005 (cover article),
with subsequent letters to the editor
letter one,
letter two and
Baldwin bio.
Redelinghuys, C. and Bahill, A. T.,
A framework for the assessment of the creativity of product design teams,
Journal of Engineering Design,
17(2): 121-141, April 2006.
Botta, R., Bahill, Z. and Bahill, A. T.,
When are observable states necessary?
Systems Engineering,
9(3):228-240, 2006.
Bahill, A. T., Botta, R., and Daniels, J.,
The Zachman framework populated with baseball models,
Journal of Enterprise Architecture,
2(4):50-68, 2006.
Smith, E. D., Son, Y. J., Piattelli-Palmarini, M. and Bahill, A. T.,
Ameliorating mental mistakes in tradeoff studies,
Systems Engineering,
10(3):222-240, 2007.
Baldwin, D. G., Bahill, A. T. and Nathan, A.,
Nickel and dime pitches,
Baseball Research Journal,
35, 25-29, 2007 (cover article).
Bahill, A. T. and Baldwin, D. G.,
Describing baseball pitch movement with right-hand rules,
Computers in Biology and Medicine,
37:1001-1008, 2007.
Botta, R. and Bahill, A. T.,
A prioritization process,
Engineering Management Journal,
19(4):20-27, 2007.
Smith, E. D., Piattelli-Palmarini, M. and Bahill, A. T.,
Cognitive biases affect the acceptance of tradeoff studies, in
Decision Modeling and Behavior in Uncertain and Complex Environments,
Eds. T. Kugler, J. C. Smith, T. Connolly and Y. J. Son.,
Springer, Science+Business Media, NY, NY, pp. 227-249, 2008.
Smith, E. D., Szidarovszky, F., Karnavas, W. J. and Bahill, A. T.,
Sensitivity analysis, a powerful system validation technique,
The Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal,,
2:39-56, 2008,
doi: 10.2174/1874110X00802010039
Bahill, A. T., Szidarovszky, F., Botta, R. and Smith, E. D.,
Valid models require defined levels,
International Journal of General Systems,
iFirst pp. 1-20, 2008,
DOI: 10.1080/03081070701395807,
37(5):553-571, 2008.
McBeath, M. K., Nathan, A. M., Bahill, A. T. and Baldwin, D. G.,
Paradoxical pop-ups: Why are they difficult to catch?
American Journal of Physics,
76(8):723-729, August 2008, [DOI: 10.1119/1.2937899] (cover article).
Bahill, A. T. and Baldwin, D. G.,
Mechanics of baseball pitching and batting,
Chapter 16
Applied Biomedical Engineering Mechanics,
Dhanjoo Ghista,
CRC Press and Taylor & Francis Asia Pacific,
pp. 445-488, 2008.
Bahill, A. T. and Botta, R.,
Fundamental principles of good system design,
Engineering Management Journal,
20(4):9-17, 2008.
Bahill, A. T. and Szidarovszky, F.,
Comparison of dynamic system modeling methods,
Systems Engineering,
12(3):183-200, 2009.
DOI 10.1002/sys.20118.
- Bahill, A. T. and Dean, F.,
Discovering system requirements, Chapter 4 in
Handbook of Systems Engineering and Management,
second edition, A. P. Sage and W. B. Rouse (Eds),
John Wiley & Sons, 205-266, 2009.
- Bahill, A. T., Baldwin D. G. and Ramberg, J. S.,
Effects of altitude and atmospheric conditions on the flight of a baseball,
International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering,,
ISSN 1750-9823 (print),
3(2):109-128, 2009.
- Bahill, A. T. and Smith, E.,
An industry standard risk analysis technique,
Engineering Management Journal,
21(4):16-29, 2009.
- Feuer, G., Szidarovszky, F., and Bahill, A. T.,
Folytonos dinamikus cournot modellek es kiterjesztesuk,
XL 1-2, pp. 1-10, 2009.
- Bahill, A. T.,
Design and testing of an illuminance management system,
The ITEA Journal,
31(1):63-89, March 2010 (cover article).
- Smith, E. and Bahill, A. T.,
Attribute substitution in systems engineering,
Systems Engineering,
13(2):130-148, 2010.
DOI: 10.1002/sys.20138.
- Chaves, A and Bahill, A. T.,
Locating sites for photovoltaic solar panels,
ArcUser, fall 2010,
- Bahill, A. T.,
Diogenes, a process for finding unintended consequences,
Systems Engineering,
15(3):287-306, 2012.
A different set of examples was presented in
Bahill, A. T.,
Diogenes, a process for finding unintended consequences, paper 4.1.1,
Proceedings of the 21st Annual INCOSE International Symposium, Denver, June 20-23, 2011.
- Chaves, A. and Bahill, A. T.,
Comparison of Risk Analysis Approaches and a Case Study
of the Risk of Incorporating Solar Photovoltaic Systems
into a Commercial Electric Power Grid,
Systems Engineering,
17(1):89-111, 2014,
The following conference paper is about 50% different.
Bahill, A. T. and Chaves, A.,
Risk Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic Systems,
Paper_ID_80.pdf, paper 9.4.1,
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual INCOSE International Symposium,
June 24-27, 2013, Philadelphia.
- Bohlman J. and Bahill, A. T.,
Examples of Mental Mistakes Made by Systems Engineers While Creating Tradeoff Studies,
Studies in Engineering and Technology,
1(1): 22-43, 2014. doi:10.11114/set.v1i1.239
- Bahill A. T. and Barry P. J. ,
Multimodal views of the human retina,
Ophthalmology Research: An International Journal,
2(3):121-136, 2014, Article no. OR.2014.001
- Bahill AT and Barry PJ.
A Patient's viewpoint of cataract and retinal detachment surgeries,
Ophthalmology Research: An International Journal,
2(6):294-324, 2014, Article no. OR.2014.6.005.
- Bahill, A. T.,
Model for absorption of perfluoropropane intraocular gas after retinal surgeries,
International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research,
PAK Publishing Group, 3(5):50-76, 2016. DOI: 10.18488/journal.9/2016.3.5/
- Bahill, A. T.,
A new test system and a new cause for acquired foveal color-vision deficiency,
International Journal of Ophthalmology & Visual Science, , 1(1): 8-9, 2016. doi: 10.11648/j.ijovs.20160101.1
- Bahill, A. T. and Madni, A. M.,
Tradeoff Decisions in System Design, Springer Nature, 2017, ISBN 978-3-319-43710-1.
- Bahill, A. T.,
Optimizing Baseball and Softball Bats in Optimization and Dynamics with Their Applications: Essays in Honor of Ferenc Szidarovszky,
Akio Matsumoto, Editor, Springer Nature, 2017.
- Bahill, A. T.,
The Science of Baseball: Modeling Bat-ball Collisions and the Flight of the Ball,
Springer Nature, first edition, 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-67031-4
- Bahill, A. T.,
The Science of Baseball: Batting, Bats, Bat-ball Collisions and the Flight of the Ball,
Springer Nature, second edition, 2019, ISBN 978-3-319-03032-2
- Madni, A. M., and Bahill, A. T.
Handling Uncertainty in Engineered Systems,
In Handbook of Systems Sciences,
Gary S. Metcalf, Kyoichi Kijima and Hiroshi Deguchi (Eds), Chapt 41, pp. 1167-1199, Springer, 2021.
Handbook of Systems Sciences | SpringerLink
This is a link that gives you free read access to this chapter.
- Bahill, A. T. and Madni, A. M.,
An Overarching Process for Model-based Systems Engineering,
Handbook on Model-based Systems Engineering,
195-256, 2023.
- Bahill, A. T. and Gitzen, G. D.,
The Amazon River Modeled as a Giant Snake,
KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information,
2021, 71(3), 173-194.
- Bahill, A.T.,
The Second Engraver of the Library of Congress Mystery Map,
Int J. of Cartography,
Published online December 20, 2021.
9(1), 29-72, 2023,
Available at
Bahill, A.T. 2022.
Sixteenth Century Bulge on the Coast of Chile,
Journal of Geographical Research,
2022, 5(2): 11-27. DOI:
Available at
Bahill, A.T. 2022.
Dating the Sir Francis Drake Silver Maps
Cartographia. 57(4): 291-304, 2022.
This allows you to make one free copy, Article Access Token:
Bahill, A.T. 2024.
Escape from Nova Zembla Island and Dating the Dutch-Drake La Heroike Interprinse … map,
Cartographica, 59(1), 2024, pp. 17–46
The following allows you to make one free copy, Article Access Token:
Bahill, A.T. 2024.
Dating Maps with Sir Francis Drake’s Route of Circumnavigation,
Cartographic Perspectives, no. 103 (2024), pp 15-51.
In addition to these publications, Bahill has over 150 others:
papers in conference and workshop proceedings,
papers in program research reviews,
limited circulation books,
papers in unreferred journals and magazines,
book reviews, and radio programs.
Over 200 articles have been published about his research in newspapers and magazines and on television and radio shows.
end of comment -->
Last changed on August 8, 2024.